Burn your RSS feeds with Google’s FeedBurner

Published on by Pavel Ushakov in Blog Services, Marketing, Movable Type, WordPress category.

If you’re new to FeedBurner you should check it out! All blogs come with a special file called RSS or most commonly expanded as “Really Simple Syndication”. It is a web based feed used to publish blog entries, news headlines etc in a standardized format. In other words every time you write and publish a new blog post on your blog, it updates your RSS feed with the latest blog entry. Your blog visitors can then choose to subscribe to your feed with their web browser or email application such as Gmail or even specialized RSS Reader software such as Google Reader. After that every time you publish something on your blog they’ll receive a notification that there’s something new on your blog, without having to go to your blog every now and then wondering if it was updated.

If you think about it, RSS feeds are very similar to email newsletters, but without all the fuss of collecting your visitors email addresses and manually sending them out. Now lets look at what we can do if we add Google’s FeedBurner to the mix.

By registering (also called burning) your blog RSS feed with FeedBurner, you’ll see how many subscribers you have; how may people click on your links to get to your blog posts; you can see what kind of tools your blog readers are using to read your blog updates; a geographic view of where your feed items were viewed in the most recent full day. You can even make some cash with your feeds by including Google Ads between the posts! So if you have a blog and are not using FeedBurner yet – I urge you to go ahead and sign up right now. You’re missing out!