Resources for WordPress Themes

Published on by Pavel Ushakov in Blog Consulting, Blog Services, Business Blogs, General, WordPress category.

One of the selling points for individual bloggers to go with WordPress over any other blog platform is WordPress’s community. The community that contributes to WordPress in many different ways: some help out in forums, others write plugins, and many design themes (also called blog designs). In this post I will talk about WordPress themes. The most obvious and popular place to go is WordPress site itself, where you can find a little over 1,100 themes. All of the themes listed on WordPress site are free, and come with a screen shot and a live preview.

Another popular resource for website designs as well as blog designs is the popular Template Monster where themes come with a download fee and are generally better quality if that’s important to you. My personal favorite would have to be Elegant Themes. For a small membership fee of just $19.95 you’ll have access to over 35 professionally designed themes. When I say professionally design I really mean professionally designed. The themes are simply stunning, well coded, well documented, and even come with a Photoshop file so you can make any design changes your heart desires.

For even more themes there’s always Google or the place called Woo Themes featuring a number of different themes that come with a small fee. What most people do is buy or download a theme, and then hire a blog consulting company to personalize that theme matching their specific needs. This method saves them quite a bit of money comparing to hiring a blog design company to design one from scratch.