We work with some of the biggest stars of the blogosphere.

O’Reilly Media is a popular destination for how-to content. With over 2 million visitors and 6 million page views a month, O’Reilly needed a reliable partner to host and support its WordPress platform.

Blog Consulting designed a number of custom features for O’Reilly’s readers, optimized its blog templates and converted them to work with the latest version of WordPress. We now host all of O’Reilly’s blogs, and continue to support them.

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  • radar
  • strata
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We’ve helped clients tackle hundreds of WordPress challenges, from simple installations and maintenance to managing mission-critical corporate blogging operations. We’ve done it all before – but we still approach every problem with the right custom solution.

We’re proud to have worked for great clients of all sizes. Explore below to learn how we helped them shine online.

And now, a word from our clients.

We’ve given TIME.com development projects to BlogConsulting.com. Pavel and his team are quick, reliable, and turnaround results faster than you can blink an eye.

Miral Sattar, Product Development Manager