Benefits of Participating in LinkedIn Groups

Published on by Pavel Ushakov in LinkedIn, Marketing category.

Many people with LinkedIn accounts make the mistake of signing up for them and never using them again. They don’t realize that having a LinkedIn account is a powerful way to drive traffic to their blogs, pick up paying work and network with other people. Anyone who wants to use LinkedIn to its full advantage should join several groups targeted to their interests and experiences.

Traffic Generation

When you join a LinkedIn group, you should avoid spamming group members with links to your blog. No one likes to be on the receiving end of hundreds of links per day. However, you can generate traffic to your blog by using discretion when posting links. If someone in the group asks a question, you can respond with a link to one of your blog posts as long as it is relevant. If someone asks for information on a specific topic, link to a blog post that covers the topic. This will help you generate more traffic for your blog, and since you won’t be spamming the group with links, people will be more willing to trust you and read what you have to say.


Knowing people in your industry is an excellent way to keep on top of job opportunities and other items of interest. However, industry insiders are reluctant to give up valuable information unless you have something to offer in return. Joining LinkedIn groups allows you to share tips and useful tricks with other people in your niche. The networking site has groups for every professional, from legal services providers to pastry chefs, so you have a good chance of connecting with someone who can share valuable advice.

Building Credibility

If you want people to visit your blog and take you seriously, you need to build credibility in your field. Joining LinkedIn groups gives you an opportunity to post about your areas of expertise, which helps people see that you have professional experience in your industry. When you position yourself as an expert, people will be more willing to read your work and buy your products and services.

Network Expansion

When you attend local networking meetings, you are limited to networking with those in attendance. If the event only gets 10 or 20 attendees, your networking opportunities are very limited. Participating in LinkedIn groups allows you to reach anywhere from hundreds to millions of people, as these groups expand your LinkedIn network. If you have 200 LinkedIn connections, joining just one LinkedIn group allows you to reach thousands of new connections. If you join multiple LinkedIn groups, you will be able to reach several thousand people with just one blog post or article.

Community Building

Owning a LinkedIn group is a great way to build your own community of like-minded people. As the group owner, you decide the qualifications for joining the group and can approve or deny membership applications. The result is a community where people with specific interests can talk to each other and exchange information. Starting a LinkedIn group also helps you show off your leadership skills, as running a group takes several different skills. If one of your group members takes notice of your skills, you may find yourself with new blog readers or exciting new work opportunities.

Targeted Communication

One of the hardest parts of marketing is making sure that you target your communications to reach the right audience. If your target audience consists of people 30 to 40 years of age, it does you no good to reach people who are outside of this age range. Participating in LinkedIn groups allows you to target very specific people so they receive your marketing messages and invitations to read your blog. If your blog is about marketing law firms, you can join a LinkedIn group that has a membership list consisting of several hundred lawyers. This way, your messages only go to people who might be interested in your services.

These are just a few of the many benefits of participating in LinkedIn groups. If you do not have a LinkedIn account, now is the time to sign up for one and start building a profile. The only way to reap the benefits of membership is by signing up and letting people learn more about you. If you don’t have a blog, you can contact us here for a free quote.